musk yellow
Almost everyone knows about the use of turmeric in cosmetics. However, the most used turmeric for cosmetics is wild turmeric. Kasturi Turmeric is one of the most used ingredients in ancient Ayurveda for cosmetic purposes. Kasturi Turmeric looks a lot like raw turmeric. However, the outer layer is like ginger and the inner yellow color is light or dark. Generally, this turmeric is grown in South Asian countries. However, its use and birth rate is high in India. For example, it is found more in the states of Kerala and West Bengal in India. There are many uses of musk turmeric. This turmeric is widely used for health benefits and beauty treatments. However, its role in beauty is unmatched. Turmeric has anti-bacterial properties, so turmeric works great in reducing acne and even acne scars. Apart from maintaining the overall health of the skin, turmeric also helps in keeping the skin glowing. The main difference between common turmeric and Kasturi Turmeric is that the use of Kasturi Turmeric does not leave yellow spots on the skin which occurs when using ordinary turmeric. Uses of Kasturi Turmeric
To increase skin radiance
Not only is Kasturi Turmeric effective in removing skin problems, it also plays an outstanding role in increasing skin radiance. Make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of turmeric, pomegranate peel, multami soil with a little musk turmeric for 3 to 4 days a week. Get back the lost radiance of the skin with regular use.
Remove stretch marks
Mix conch powder and turmeric with sour curd and apply on the stretch mark. Use 3-4 days a week. Stretch marks will become much lighter.
As dark circle removal
Mix cucumber juice with musk turmeric and apply under the eyes every night. Tired eyes will be taken care of as well as dark circles will be reduced a lot.
To regain skin youth
Musk Turmeric removes skin wrinkles. Because the antioxidants in it increase the supply of oxygen to the skin. As a result, the skin cells become bright. Regular use of Kasturi Turmeric, Conch, Purnava, Pomegranate paste gives desired results within a few months.
Removes oily skin
Oiliness of the skin is quite problematic. Like Blackheads, Bron, Pigmentation and many more. Kasturi Halood will solve this problem for you. Mix 1 teaspoon of conch powder and 3 teaspoon of orange peel powder with half teaspoon of musk turmeric powder to make a paste. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash your face with water. It will absorb the excess oil of the skin and make the skin smooth.
To eliminate skin acne problems
Musk Turmeric is most effective for acne problems. Because Kasturi Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that cure skin acne problems. If you mix musk turmeric with tulsi leaf powder and honey to make a paste and use it 3 days a week, the black spots of acne will gradually reduce.
Eliminates uneven skintone
We are victims of it without our knowledge while traveling in the sun. Along with this, there are various skin problems. Kasturi Turmeric will cure you of this problem. Every night before going to bed, mix a spoonful of musk turmeric with a little milk or sour yogurt and leave it for 10 minutes and wash your face with clean water. Regular use of this mixture will make the skin deep clean.
Clears unwanted facial hair
Kasturi Turmeric is very effective in curing this skin problem. Often girls suffer from this problem due to hormonal problems. Regular face pack of musk turmeric will get rid of this problem. However, other combinations have to be added to this face pack. If you have dry skin, you can make a paste with raw milk and gram flour along with musk turmeric. If you have oily skin, you can use sour yogurt instead of milk. And if you have sensitive skin, you can use honey.
Do not use Kasturi Turmeric as a single pack, mix it with other ingredients in small quantities.
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